Showing posts with label Business Funding Programs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Funding Programs. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2018

The Importance of taking the Business Fundability Test!

The best chance you have of getting the money you need for your business is to know where your company's credit and overall setup stack up to lender expectations. That's what the business fundability test does for you. It gives you the information you need to be prepared and improve areas that need strengthening. The business fundability test can give you vital information for immediate lending needs as well.

If you are in a crunch and need money now, taking the business fundability test will give you an idea of which lenders would be more open to providing for your needs. What is the Business Fundability Test? The business fundability test is a simple, free and fast scoring system that measures the strength of your business' credit and identification information. Things that are often overlooked such as rating your company based on its location and whether it exists in its own location or is home-based, if your telephone number for your business is listed in the national directory. These are items very often overlooked by new business owners, but not by lenders. They will look, and you should know ahead of time where you stand. Of course, a business fundability test will also check your credit standings with major reporting agencies.

It will also give you a head's up on how your business reputation holds up and if all of its licensing is up to date. Taking the business fundability test is like getting pre-approval for a personal loan. It gives you the confidence you need to approach lenders, because you already know what they are going to see when they look at your application and do their own research on your credibility as a business. You can take the business fundability test for your own company at The Best Time to Take a Business Fundability Test Really, there is no wrong time to take the business fundability test. The best time to take the test is long before you need to get a loan so that you have time to rectify any shortcomings. It isn't a one-time thing, however. You should take the test regularly to keep track of where you stand and how your efforts are working to improve your business' credibility. Finally, you should always take the business fundability test immediately before actually applying for a loan. Just like your personal credit, business fundability can fluctuate and you never want to be left unprepared.